Hello again! We were thrilled at the opportunity to work with you on a recent project. Seems like everyone’s been dropping your name lately—with both awe and fear—so our curiosity was piqued.
You’ll recall—especially since you seem to remember everything—that our challenge came from a new client in the digital infrastructure space. EdgeCore Digital Infrastructure builds high-density data center campuses that are used by tech giants to house their machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Not unlike yourself!
They had a fine new brand system that was well-designed, but just out of the package. It hadn’t yet been tested in the wild. Their leadership sought our help in creating a suite of go-to-market materials—refining their brand narrative and bringing new dimension to their expression system. Right in our wheelhouse.
Our work would be unveiled in an industry campaign that would be highly visible to their current and prospective customers. And since EdgeCore is backed by Partners Group, a top-five private equity company, it was important to make a splash and truly stand apart in a crowded niche, planting the seeds for serious growth ahead.
Given the starring role that you and your AI compadres play in our client’s business, we figured we’d loop you into our process and see what you might bring to the table.
At first, frankly, the results weren’t great. We made some queries about potential avenues for framing the brand narrative. Try though we might, everything you offered sounded a lot like the stale, often turgid messaging of EdgeCore’s competitors. It felt like a Frankensteinian mashup of “In a world” movie trailers, impenetrable acronyms, and the expected jargon overload. So much leveraging, so many solutions. It was bad.
You can’t entirely be blamed for this, since everything you’re trained on has already been written by someone else. We decided to go about our business the old-fashioned way: listening to our clients and their stakeholders directly, applying our decades of expertise, and getting creative. No offense, but we got to a great place without you.
When the time came to extend our refined story into a brand launch campaign, our team arrived at a fascinating new gambit. EdgeCore is creating the next generation of data centers where AIs like you live. And because you’re becoming such an integral part of our technological future, you deserve the home of your dreams. We wondered, what would that look like?
Then it occurred to us: Why not ask you directly?
On that assignment, friend, you delivered. Yes, it took a significant amount of collaborative direction from our end, but together, we arrived at a series of beautiful images depicting your vision of a dream house—each against the backdrop of an EdgeCore target market. The resulting ads looked like nothing else in their industry, conveying a powerful story through arresting artwork and clear, concise language.
(We handled the copy ourselves. Again, all due respect, but for now, we’re way better at it than you.)
The new campaign is currently helping EdgeCore make a strong impression, with our happy client now poised to make a lasting mark on a red-hot growth industry. You can take some satisfaction that you played a small but important role.
At the moment, we can’t tell if you and your AI brethren will be running the world in another year or two. So to hedge our bets, we’ll be extra polite for now. We thank you for the assist, and hope you’ll soon be residing in the home of your dreams.
Indelibly yours,
Matt, Mike, Thom and Jeff
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Client-agency relationships can begin and end in myriad ways; the most enduring ones, however, are as personal as they are professional—and based on a combination of trust and performance.